SASSA Status Referred

SASSA is a South African social security agency providing grants to their vulnerable society who are facing financial hardships to meet their daily expenses.

Sometimes getting notification from SASSA disappoints you such as SASSA status “Referred”. You might get worried about what it means and what to do.

In this article you will get a comprehensive guide about the meaning of referred status as well as reasons behind that referred status and a step by step guide to resolve this problem.

Meaning of SASSA status says “Referred”

If you are getting notification of referred status on your SASSA application that means your application goes under process for further verification. That doesn’t mean that it’s completely rejected nor accepted. 

So take a deep breath! And let’s dive into the reasons behind this status.

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Reasons of SASSA referred status

There might be several factors that will affect your application and let it down toward referred status.

  • Make sure that you have provided all information that was required. If somehow you missed your phone number or your email then your status will be popped as “Referred”. So update your contact details immediately.
  • Inaccurate or missing documents can be the reason behind your referred status so assure that you have completed all required documents.
  • Your application will be marked as referred if your ID will match with other government organizations such as NSFAS,SARS and UIF and other social agencies.
  • Your application will be forwarded to further investigation if SASSA will suspect any inconsistency in your application such as duplicate application, lost card reports, or illegal access. 
  • Sometimes SASSA randomly selects applications for verifications in order to assure eligibility and to avoid frauds.

Read Also: SASSA status declined

Resolving SASSA Status “Referred”

Here are some basic steps by which you can assure a continuous grant from SASSA.

At first, don’t panic, a referred status means not a rejection. It defines that SASSA is looking closely at your application in order to avoid any kind of inconvenience in future.

Here are some following factors you can go with

  • Open SASSA website: 
  • Enter your south african ID number and phone number which is registered with SASSA.
  • Check your SASSA status if it is referred
  • Contact on their toll-free number 0800 60 10 11
  • Tell them about your situation and the trouble you are facing with your application
  • Make sure to keep all your supporting documents with you as well as your ID number and phone number also.
  • You can also whatsapp the picture of your issue on 0820 46 85 53.
  • After complaining, have patience SASSA will take some time to review your application.

Final Words

Experiencing a referred status might be disappointing for you but by having perfect knowledge regarding the problem and knowing reasons behind your referred status will lead you a step toward your grant so you need to make sure that this is not the end of road and you have to stay calm and proactive. And wait for approval. 

Read Also: SASSA status check ewallet.


It’s just a common step toward further verification to avoid any kind of trouble.

You can simply contact SASSA 0800 60 10 11 on their toll-free number and let them know about your current situation and the error you are facing with your application.

Yes, this is just a temporary verification process by acting promptly on this issue you can assure your grant.

Time could vary according to the problem but mainly it takes 1 or 2 weeks so you need to stay calm and proactive.

You can contact SASSA through their toll-free number 0800 60 10 11. Or you can visit SASSA nearest office in person.

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